Behavior and dynamics of bubble breakup in gas pipeline leaks and accidental subsea oil well blowouts


Subsea oil well blowouts and pipeline leaks release oil and gas to the environment through vigorous jets. Predicting the breakup of the released fluids in oil droplets and gas bubbles is critical to predict the fate of petroleum compounds in the marine water column. To predict the gas bubble size in oil well blowouts and pipeline leaks, we observed and quantified the flow behavior and breakup process of gas for a wide range of orifice diameters and flow rates. Flow behavior at the orifice transitions from pulsing flow to continuous discharge as the jet crosses the sonic point. Breakup dynamics transition from laminar to turbulent at a critical value of the Weber number. Very strong pure gas jets and most gas/liquid co-flowing jets exhibit atomization breakup. Bubble sizes in the atomization regime scale with the jet-to-plume transition length scale and follow −3/5 power-law scaling for a mixture Weber number.

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 131, part A: 72-86
Chris CK Lai
Chris CK Lai
Assistant Professor

My research interests include experimental fluid mechanics, turbulent mixing and transport, and theory and modeling of turbulence.
